When you make a reservation for 300. (non- refundable). You will save 500. off the puppy and 200. off the original price. Puppies are picked out after two weeks of age, ONLY threw pictures, video and /or Google meets. You will pick in order of your reservation was received. You can pass if you don't see the one you want. Puppies go home at 8 weeks of age.
Purchasing the Puppy Pack is required. If you don't already have a dog currently........can see it on site, it is currently 285. will include everything you need for first 8 months. Optional for those already have a dog.
****** PAYMENTS THREW PAY PAL AND VENMO (only at this time) **** Text if you want to use Venmo****
How it works:
Puppies are 1950. without a Reservation. Making a reservation will save you 200. , final cost will be 1750. With a reservation you put 300. down; but you get credit for 500. That is 200. off or for free..... When you pick out the puppy at that time (puppy, will be at least 2 weeks of age ) First half will be due ( 725. ) Last payment of 750. is due at pick up. Have questions; please call before reservation is made. This way the full amount is not due all at once. Only for reservations., there will be 3 instalments. * prices are subject to change *
A Reservation is when the puppy is still in the oven.
The biggest reason to reserve a puppy is the savings and when demand is high, and we are limited in puppies! We will do everything we can to see you get the best. We have a strict breeding schedule and only breed healthy, affectionate parents. This ensures Sonshine Shih Tzus off-spring are healthy, loving, adorable puppies.
Holds a puppy already born. No one else can buy him or her. You are now the proud owner of a new puppy ( unless agreed to move your deposit to another puppy or another litter).
Deposits on a puppy already born are; half of whole purchase price. * Deposit is when you can see a picture of the actual puppy!
When a puppy is picked out deposit is half of the whole price, will be due to hold that puppy: so no one else can purchase him /or her.
Reserves and / or Deposits are good for one year: and are non-refundable.
Payments only taken threw Pay Pal at this time Use (315) 762-5459
Date- __________________
Reserves are 300. Reservation is before born
Reserve entitles you to pick in order, by picture, Only Week after Born
Deposits are half the payment to hold Deposit is after the pup is born ( can see it)
For Deposits add.......Puppy play name ________________
** Deposit will hold a puppy till pick-up: $ ______________
Name _________________________________ E-Mail _________________________________
Address ___________________________________________________________________________________
City, State and Zip Code
Phone Number and Cell Number ________________________________________________
E-mail ______________________________________________
Have you experience with Shih Tzu before? ___ Yes or No ____
Circle one: Male Female Either sex is O.K. Not sure
Circle one: Parti- Colors (Wh. w / any color) Solid Color Not sure
Circle one color: Gold Brindle White (Mostly) Not sure Chocolate /Liver
Red/ Black Mask Black & White Solid Black Solid White (2000.)
Do you have children under 12? _______Yes or No _______
****Special : Reservations will receive a FREE NO STUFF TOY.*****
If I change my mind, I will lose all my money!
Ask questions before reserve or deposits sent. It is non- refundable , it's best to call so puppy has a hold on i